
Becoming a Gamma Phi


Becoming a Gamma Phi


Hello all!

My name is Hallie Horner and I am so excited to serve as the 2023 Membership Vice President for Gamma Phi Beta Pi Chapter. As a kid I had heard many stories about different members of my family being involved in Greek life during their college years, so I knew that recruitment was something that I wanted to go through at UNL. Although I knew about the friendships that my mom and other family members had formed during their experiences, nothing could have prepared me for the real love, support, laughter and friendship that I have experienced being a part of Gamma Phi Beta. The women of Gamma Phi Beta have built me up to be a strong and confident woman as well and I accredit so much of my growth to my sisters. To have the privilege to watch and be a part of so many different and thriving womens’ lives is an honor like no other and I can truly say that I have a role model in every woman in the chapter. When I was going through recruitment myself I loved getting to meet new people during the entire process, but Gamma Phi always stood out to me as some place extra special. I felt loved, wanted, valued, and truly at home when I stepped through those doors every day, and I have continued to feel that way long after Bid Day. I hope to welcome you all into our home with the same love and comfort I felt.

To all of the women that are considering going through recruitment:

Take a deep breath, take a chance and trust that it will be an experience that develops you into the person you want to become. The sisterhood of Pi chapter is truly one of a kind and here you will find true and constant friendships.

I cannot wait to see you all so soon and share the wonderful women that make up this chapter’s special sisterhood.

with lots of love,


2023 Membership Vice President

Recruitment Video 2023

Video by Meg Gross

Letters of Recommendation

References have always been a valuable way for a Gamma Phi Beta to introduce a potential new member to our chapter. Now the process is easier and the information is more accessible. References will now be housed and managed online at Please submit all references using the online system at The system has exciting capabilities and will continue to elevate the importance of references. Thank you for growing our Gamma Phi Beta sisterhood by writing a reference.

If technical difficulties arise, the following Recommendation Form may be sent to

If you have any other recruitment-related questions, please contact Pi Chapter’s Recruitment Advisor, Ellie Hobelman at

Legacy Policy

In our efforts to promote belonging, equity, diversity, and inclusion into all aspects of our sorority, Gamma Phi Beta’s International Council (IC) has decided to eliminate the preferential treatment of legacies during recruitment, effective fall 2021. The elimination of preferential treatment of legacies during recruitment allows every potential new member to have an equal opportunity to receive an invitation to join Gamma Phi Beta.

While potential new members are still welcome to mention their legacy status, chapters will not be able to give them preferential treatment in recruitment based on that status, nor will they be able to discriminate based on this status. We firmly believe that the more diverse our membership, the more vibrant our sisterhood. We will hold each other in Love as we continue the Labor of Learning about how to make the world a better place, and how to find new and better ways to welcome and include our potential new members while still celebrating the Loyalty of those sisters who have come before them. 

For additional resources, visit 

Continuous Open Bidding 

Continuous Open Bidding (COB) is an informal recruitment period that allows a chapter that did not pledge to Quota or pledged Quota but did not reach Total, to pledge additional new members immediately following the primary membership recruitment period.  The Membership Vice President is responsible for overseeing the COB procedure, but she is also accompanied by a COB committee to help make decisions and facilitate the process.  Events will be held to meet potential new members, but COB will end once enough extensions to membership have been made for the chapter to reach Total.


New Members

New Members


Pi Chapter's New Member Program is 8 weeks long and is intended to acquaint our new members with the sisterhood and the history of our sorority. During these 8 weeks, new members are introduced to the qualities of love, labor, learning, and loyalty that Gamma Phi Beta is founded upon. These meetings take place once weekly at the chapter house, allowing new members to better get to know their sisters. Pi Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta is proud to have a new pledge class of intelligent, involved, classy, and well-rounded women. We are thrilled to see each of them thriving in our sisterhood in so many ways.


Hello everyone! It is an honor and joy to welcome new members into this home that we call, Gamma Phi Beta here at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. College is a time of growth, change, and learning that everyone will experience differently, but I hope to make that transition meaningful and life-changing through Gamma Phi and my position here.

After graduating with 29 other students and growing up in the rural parts of the state, greek life was quite the opposite of what I was used to. My parents didn’t go to college and truthfully didn’t know what being in a sorority would mean for their daughter, but they trusted me and I pretended to know that I was making the right decision. There was something special about Gamma Phi that after sitting in the preference room for way too long, made me choose her. She had something behind that pretty house that I knew I needed. Turns out, that was one of the best decisions I could have made starting college. The women that I have encountered and now spend my days with have shaped me, pushed me, and carried me, through the joys and struggles of college. These women are all so different and have shown me that everyone is here for a different purpose, but prove that when we work together, we are so much stronger. I can’t image my life without these strong, independent, and courageous women that now surround me daily.

I am beyond blessed to share my journey of Gamma Phi with you and I hope that you encounter the love, authenticity, and beauty that lie behind our door. Friends, you were made for so much more and I hope you find just that here at the Univerity of Nebraska-Lincoln.

with all my heart,


pledge class of 2021