Hi there! Welcome to our corner of the internet, the website of Pi Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I hope your time spent here gives you a glimpse into the people, values, and experiences that make Pi Chapter so special to all of our current and past members. When reflecting on all that Gamma Phi Beta means, it seems that our values are the best way to show you what unites us:
When I think of love, I think of sitting in the card room a particularly hard day last year and having a sister ask me “What’s your love language?” When I shared that it was Words of Affirmation, the sister shared uplifting, empathetic, and encouraging words to pull me out of my hard spot. Love is seeking out the sisters who feel isolated and making them feel heard and seen. Love overflows from every interaction. Whether it be through a computer screen or in our cozy TV room, unconditional love is evident in every sister and every corner of our chapter.
Labor is my sophomore year roommate waking up every single morning at 6:30 am to study for the MCAT, all while being President of the chapter. Labor in Gamma Phi reminds me of how our chapter constantly strives to pursue excellence and growth, whether it be through diving deep into our CliftonStrengths or building on our understanding of diversity and inclusion. Our sisters labor to make ourselves and each other better, and we also labor to improve our community and world through our on- and off-campus involvements.
Learning is evident in our chapter’s 3.730 GPA, the highest of any Greek chapter on campus in Fall 2020. Gamma Phi Beta so fully embraces our members’ love for learning. I can always count on a sister who wants to hear about the latest lessons learned from my favorite podcasts or somebody who wants to discuss my passion for community development. Learning is long hours studying at the big table in the living room and study dates at Coffee House. Learning is not settling for top GPA but continually seeking to support our sisters academically.
Pi Chapter is the definition of a true and constant sisterhood. Our alumni are supportive and connected, and the legacy of Pi has gone on since 1914. Our active members are loyal to uplifting, supporting, and engaging in our sisterhood. (We are also loyal to watching the Bachelor after every Monday Meeting!) Our loyalty shows in our members’ dedication to countless organizations on campus from ASUN to Dance Marathon to Big Red Singers to the Clifton Strengths Institute and everything in between. Our loyalty has endured and grown even stronger through every challenge we have faced.
There is so much more to this sisterhood that my words cannot possibly represent. To me, Gamma Phi Beta is a sense of belonging, spurring each other on in growth, and pursuing excellence and purpose through every action. Enjoy your time here on our website, I hope this gives you a glimpse into how special Pi Chapter truly is.