Gamma Phi Beta
Pi Chapter - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Gamma Phi Beta
Pi Chapter - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
HELLO!! On behalf of Pi Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, I want to say “Welcome!”, and I am so glad you found your way to our website today. As you click through our website, I hope you are able to get a preview into the wonderful sisterhood we have built here in Lincoln. The combination of these pictures and words gives a peek into the people, experiences, and memories that make Pi Chapter so special but also into what being a Gamma Phi at Pi Chapter means. All current and past members are united by our 4 core values: love, labor, learning, and loyalty.
Love in Gamma Phi looks like taking the time to make all feel seen, appreciated, and celebrated. Whether that means having long chats in the tube room, getting the biggest squeeze after returning from a summer apart, or making silly tik toks in the living room, there is always a sister to welcome you home and celebrate you. We always strive to stand up, by, and with our sisters as they strive to inspire the highest type of womanhood.
Labor in Gamma Phi is our engagement and commitment to service and involvement at the University and in our communities. Whether serving as Vice President of the Student Body, starting a local non-profit, or teaching the future generations, our chapter members labor to seek growth for themselves, others, and the world. We encourage our sisters to be involved in the community, both on- and off-campus, and to make an impact in everything they do!
Learning in Gamma Phi is pursuing knowledge not only inside the classroom, but outside of it as well. We are curious and strive for understanding rather than a letter grade, which has allowed us to consistently achieve the highest Greek Chapter GPA on campus. Pursuing an attitude of learning in all aspects allows us to deeply understand who we are and who we are striving to be, as well as understanding the diverse personalities around us.
Loyalty in Gamma Phi is the legacy of a true and constant sisterhood that Pi Chapter has exemplified since 1914. Whether sisters faithfully serve this chapter as an officers, are the go-to person for a sister, or simply eat lunch at the same time every day, Gamma Phi is and will always be consistently there, even after graduation. Our alumni are committed to continuously empowering women and providing an example of an unwavering sisterhood, which we are so grateful for.
Gamma Phi is my true and constant. Because of this sisterhood, I have been shaped into the woman that I am today, and for that I am so grateful. I truly could not imagine my college years without Gamma Phi Beta. We hope you continue to make yourself at home as you scroll through our virtual home!
Not only do the women in our sorority build each other up to become the best versions of themselves, but we are also committed to building strong girls in our community. All philanthropic money that we raise during the year goes to the organization Girls On The Run. Girls On The Run teaches confidence, happiness, leadership, and other life skills while creatively incorporating running to third, fourth, and fifth graders. At the end of each season, teams celebrate with a huge 5K in Lincoln. We are proud to not only donate money to this organization, but we are also actively involved as coaches and 5K volunteers.
The GPHI x SIG CHI Pumpkin Smash was a new collaborative philanthropy in the fall semester of 2024 with Sigma Chi. During the event fall treats such as cookies and apple cider were served. We also had pumpkin paiting along with smashing. All funds raised from the event were donated to Girls on the Run, Gamma Phi Beta’s philanthropic mission as well as Sigma Chi’s philanthropic mission.
Scoops for Schools is a collaborative philanthropy event with Farmhouse Fraternity, during which chapter members serve homemade ice cream sandwiches with Cookie Co. Cookies! The money raised at the event is donated to Lincoln Lighthouse. Lincoln Lighthouse is an after school program that offers academic support, evening meals, and recreational activities for middle and high school aged students. Scoops for Schools is held each September in the green space on the northeast corner of 16th and R Street (across the street from Gamma Phi).
We’re excited to announce Gamma Phi Beta's newest annual philanthropy event the spring called Moonball! This year, Moonball will be a volleyball tournament, where event proceeds benefit our philanthropic partner, Girls on the Run in the Lincoln community. Moonball is typically held at the UNL City Campus Rec. Teams of 6-9 people can sign up through members of Gamma Phi Beta. View our video advertising last year’s Moonball basketball tournament below.
Video by Emma Hastings
"Your time in college will be a crazy ride of emotions, from laughter to tears, from failed tests to acceptance letters, from losses to victories. These women have picked me up and cheered me on through it all. They have made me who I am today."
"Gamma Phi has given me women to laugh with, cry with, cheer me on, and be there for me during all of my highs and lows. I never thought I would find this many genuine souls in one place, and I can’t imagine my life without being able to call this place home!"
"Joining Gamma Phi Beta has been the best decision I have made. I have met some of the most genuine, loving, and smartest girls I know. They have taught me that it is always okay to be myself and that if you surround yourself with the people you want to be like, you will become like them."
"Gamma Phi Beta has taught me that it’s never too late to be exactly who you want to be. I am so lucky to be able to call this place home."
Academics & involvments
Academics & involvments
We offer free printing and a fully equipped computer room.
We have a study area that has 24/7 quiet hours for productive learning.
We offer several scholarships to members at our annual Scholarship Banquet.
New members are matched with an older member in the same area of study.
Pi Chapter consistently holds one of the highest UNL Greek chapter GPAs
There are several members of our chapter who are members of honors societies that base their membership on the values of scholarship, leadership, and campus and community involvement. Pi Chapter is proud to have sisters and alumni that are members of Innocents Society, Mortar Board, Omicron Delta Kappa, and Order of Omega. Gamma Phi Beta members are also involved in many clubs that pertain to their academic majors and personal interests. With such a large presence on campus, you can often find Gamma Phi's involved in: